About 7 weeks ago I started fundraising for the Staff In-Training Program I will be attending at Ten Thousand Homes in South Africa. I have learned how hard it is to lay down my insecurities, doubts, agendas, and pride to take up faith alone. He has walked me through...well more like carried me through, these past few weeks as I have taken baby steps in learning what waking out in faith actually looks and feels like.
No one really tells you how difficult it is to continually choose to walk in the opposite spirit of the flesh, especially when everything around you screams that it is impossible!
And then there comes that unexpected, quiet, sweet moment when your heart experiences JOY!
This joy fills your heart as you lean more and more on the One who has called you to follow him. To my surprise that is just the beginning! It then begins to overflow when He brings people alongside you to help share His love and ultimately bring more GLORY TO HIS NAME!
There is so much more that comes from joining in on this journey with me and I couldn't express it any better than Ben Stuart from Breakaway Ministries. He is speaking to college students but I feel this applies to all ages! He shares about What Funding The Mission Really Means and my prayer is that you will take the time to listen to the podcast!
Please hear my thanks through this podcast and I pray that you are encouraged from this as much as I was.
*To listen to the Podcast click on the link above (What Funding The Mission Really Means).
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