If her eyes could tell you her story, what would they say?
you see the God prints in the reflection of each struggle as He slowly breaks
down her man made walls of protection?
Would you see her deep longing to
understand forgiveness beyond words on a page?
It took over a week for her to even trust me with a small
part of her story. She began with the events that led to her arrival at Sure
24. Every day she would go to the dumpsite to search through the spoiled trash
hoping to find something edible to eat. That’s where she found out who Sammy
was and that he took in street kids who desired to go back to school. She was
only 12 at the time.
A few years prior, the neighbors called the police on her
father for beating her brother. The next morning he was found dead, the father
was gone, her mom was arrested. She was left alone with her siblings in the
house. Her aunt took her in but wouldn’t feed her and told her she wasn’t her
child so she wouldn’t pay for her to go to school. Sometimes she would get
locked out of the house because she didn’t bring in enough money to compensate
for the burden she was and would be forced to sleep outside. Her parents were finally released but weren't able to take care of her so she stayed with her aunt.
The more she spoke the lower the walls became.
It was the
first time she had shared her story to anyone besides the social worker at Sure
24. She spoke about the struggle of letting go, of choosing to love and forgive her aunt, and how it seemed impossible to bring reconciliation. It's hard setting aside all the hurt especially when it is a result of injustice. I could see it in her eyes, past the hurt and the pain, that God was stirring in her a vision of freedom through the door of forgiveness. It reminded me of my long and treacherous journey in the wilderness as I searched for the place flowing of milk and honey.
In that moment, God reminded me that our stories are meant to be shared
with each other, to be interwoven, strengthening the larger picture of God’s
redeeming glory like a beautiful tapestry. The things we go through connect us to one another, they speak life, and shine truth in our darkest doubts. It's hard to share sometimes,
especially when we know the path cannot be seen except by the one beckoning us
to follow. But we share anyway believing that He will carry us through.
So we press in when it gets hard and stand firm, expectant that He will work for the good of those who love him. We share our struggles, hurts, burdens, laughter, and joy with one another adding one thread at a time. Some threads in the tapestry tell of God’s faithfulness,
others of love and compassion, mine was the passage to forgiveness. In each one
there is a life altering, glory glimpsing, and love soaked richness of the God who
is actively pursuing each one of us.
Our stories hold the power to change lives
because they exude hope and press us onward to abundant living.
If you allowed your man made walls to fall, what will your story tell?
If we'll tell our stories....our stories could bring light to someone's dark work. Her story will bring Jesus to many!